I offer you over 28 years of experience in the healing arts. I am an Intuitive & Spiritual counselor and coach, a healer, empath, Shaman, channel, medium and writer. You will find me to be a caring, loving and nurturing healer, guide, teacher, mentor and companion along your path of healing and awakening. I have had to face, move through and heal countless life and spiritual issues, wounds and traumas of my own. Along with my spiritual gifts and training, this has allowed me to be the healer I am today and to relate to, deeply understand and help you to heal your life and awaken to your spirituality.
I assist you in healing old wounds and unhealthy life patterns and I guide you on the journey toward opening your heart and connecting with your soul. I work with the whole person: body, mind emotions and spirit and work closely with you to heal every area of life, including relationships (with yourself and others), health and healing, manifestation/abundance, spiritual awakening and life/soul purpose. I guide you toward being who you truly are and living and authentic life.
I am a heart-centered and soul-oriented woman who believes in the power and empowerment of all people, but especially women, who have so often been suppressed, repressed, expected to wear hundreds of different hats and remain perky and smiling the whole time. We learned to be “less than” for so long that most of us wouldn’t know our true Self if she walked up and introduced herself. It’s time to allow yourself to stand up, stand out and speak your truth, to stop masquerading as someone you are not. And it is time to follow your heart, your soul, your gut – those places in you that know exactly the path you are meant to walk. Isn’t it time to finally have a life you love and are excited about – where you can be yourself, feel joyful, free, fulfilled, creative? Where you are no longer hiding who you truly are?
As we work together you will transform from being who you have become to being who you really are and that is one of my main objectives in working with you. I do this through intuitive counseling and coaching, through guidance received from my spirit guides and angels (and yours), using a variety of healing methods and, through deep listening and using my empathic and intuitive gifts.
Spiritual gifts include, intuition, empathy, channeling, energetic healing, claircognizance, clairsentience & mediumship (table tipping, during which I can connect with Spirit, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters – mine and yours – and I can also connect with family members and loved ones who have passed over). I listen deeply, spending each moment present with you and am naturally responsive, caring, nurturing and validating.
To know more about me personally, please check out “My Story.” It will give you more information about who I am and how I ended up here at Lavender Lotus. I hope to hear from you soon – I love meeting new souls who are ready to dive deep and make changes or simply awaken their spirituality!

Education and training:
- Certified Life Coach
- Shaman (Pachakuti Mesa Tradition with Kendra Davis)
- “Energy Mastery” Teachings & Training: 3 years (worked with both Dr. Robert Jaffe and his protégé, Victoria Merkle)
- Clinical Hypnotherapist (through the Center for Neurosomatic Sciences)
- Ministerial/Leadership Certificate (through Radiance Ministry)
- Resonance Repatterning – all classes in basic course (with Ardis Ozborn)
- Awaken The Channel Within (with Connie Russert @ Wolf & Eagle Center for Healing & Awakening)
- Bachelor’s & Master’s degrees in speech & language therapy with minor in psychology
Spiritual/Healing Business Ventures

Phase 1
Metaphysical book and gift store

Phase 2
Wolf & Eagle Center for Spiritual Awakening

Phase 3
Healing From The Heart

Phase 4
Lavender Lotus Center for Healing & Awakening